How much does Roots Butchery pay?
Roots Jobs by Hourly Rate
Job Title | Range | Average |
Job Title:Cashier | Range:R15 – R34 (Estimated *) | Average:R22 |
Floor Supervisor | Range:R22 – R56 (Estimated *) | Average:R34 |
Meat Cutter | Range:R17 – R54 (Estimated *) | Average:R30 |
How many stores does Roots Butchery have?
A Reliable and Reputable Meat Retailer
Currently, there are 27 Roots Grills and 90 Roots Butcheries that are open to the public. We’re proud to say that each meat retailer under our name provide all-round quality products. Additionally, we have ensured stable operations, with steady growth since our establishment.
What is the history of Roots Butchery?
THE Roots Butchery had humble origins back in 2004, when we started a modest little butchery in Soweto. We then decided to bring the butchery business back to its roots and back to basics, by offering quality products and service and the best prices for our supporters.
What is the return policy for Roots Butchery?
Returns Policy
Roots Butchery will refund perishable items should our customers not be happy with the quality thereof, provided the product is within expiry date and is in its original packaging, together with the original receipt of purchase.

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