Roots Butchery

How much does Roots Butchery pay?

Roots Jobs by Hourly Rate

Job TitleRangeAverage
Job Title:CashierRange:R15 – R34 (Estimated *)Average:R22
Floor SupervisorRange:R22 – R56 (Estimated *)Average:R34
Meat CutterRange:R17 – R54 (Estimated *)Average:R30

Where did Roots Butchery come from?

THE Roots Butchery had humble origins back in 2004, when we started a modest little butchery in Soweto.

How many stores does Roots Butchery have?

A Reliable and Reputable Meat Retailer

Currently, there are 27 Roots Grills and 90 Roots Butcheries that are open to the public. We’re proud to say that each meat retailer under our name provide all-round quality products. Additionally, we have ensured stable operations, with steady growth since our establishment.

How do I email Roots Butchery?

If you have any questions or concerns, please send us an email at

Roots Butchery


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