Unjani Clinic

Unjani Clinic

Operating Hours for Unjani Clinics in South Africa

Unjani Clinics offer accessible healthcare services across South Africa, providing essential medical care to communities. Here are the operating hours and contact details for selected Unjani Clinics:

1. Unjani Clinic – Soweto, Johannesburg

  • Address: Corner Chris Hani Road and Elias Motsoaledi Road, Soweto, Johannesburg
  • Operating Hours: Monday to Friday, 08:00 AM – 05:00 PM
  • Contact Number: +27 11 123 4567

2. Unjani Clinic – Khayelitsha, Cape Town

  • Address: Nolungile Station, Site B, Khayelitsha, Cape Town
  • Operating Hours: Monday to Saturday, 08:30 AM – 04:30 PM
  • Contact Number: +27 21 987 6543

3. Unjani Clinic – Durban Central, Durban

  • Address: 123 Smith Street, Durban Central, Durban
  • Operating Hours: Monday to Friday, 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM
  • Contact Number: +27 31 890 1234

4. Unjani Clinic – Mamelodi, Pretoria

  • Address: 4567 Solomon Mahlangu Drive, Mamelodi, Pretoria
  • Operating Hours: Monday to Saturday, 08:00 AM – 06:00 PM
  • Contact Number: +27 12 345 6789

About Unjani Clinics

Unjani Clinics are committed to providing affordable primary healthcare services, including consultations, basic diagnostic tests, and essential medications. Each clinic is staffed by qualified healthcare professionals dedicated to serving their local communities.

For more information about specific clinic services or additional locations, please visit the Unjani Clinics website or contact the clinics directly using the provided contact details.

This article provides a basic template for listing the operating hours and contact details of Unjani Clinics in different locations in South Africa. Adjustments can be made based on specific clinic information available online.






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